Wednesday, October 1, 2008

my bean beans.

I try very hard to get my children to eat healthy. I don't always succeed. But I try very hard.

But it isn't that hard with Trevor. Trevor is an eating machine. He will eat you if you stand still long enough and he can get his little vampire teeth into you. But by far, Trevor's favorite food is Green Beans. Or what he calls, bean beans. He will eat them out of the rubbermaid container in the fridge. He will eat them cold, warm, as a side dish, as a snack. He doesn't care. He just wants bean beans. I have even caught him trying to climb into the kitchen cabinet to get them.

Trevor wanted a "nackie" before bedtime last week. I told him to wait one minute and mommy would get him one. Apparently waiting wasn't an option. I found him in the kitchen sitting on the floor in his Nemo PJ's with the green beans again. We call it his bucket o' beans. It was so funny.


Beth said...

Too cute! I love me some Trevor!

Anonymous said...

He is so special. What a smart little boy. I love bean beans too. He must take after me.