Monday, October 20, 2008

so much to tell ..

so little time right now...

Had a great weekend. Didn't do all that much, but didn't rest all that much easier. As I write this, I did do alot ...what was I thinking...

I hemmed some new curtains for my living room, not much fun. While I did that Trevor Dry-erase markered himself. He loves the dry erase board, he calls it his "oomewor", which translates into homework. Trevor is so smart, he is such a little genius. Check out his arm. He wrote "I love Trevor". This means he's a genius, right ?? HA! Rachael fessed up for the arm graffiti!
Here is his "oomewor" !!
Saturday night we went to Zoo Boo at Lowry Park. It was a lot of fun. I have tons of pictures of that that I"ll post those later this week. Our cockatiel Samie now has 4 eggs! She seems to continually roll aside egg #1, I think that means that it isn't a viable egg. Not sure, but I keep returning it to her. She hisses at me, she really isn't very happy these days.

Yesterday Rachael's team were supposed to be the ball girls for the USF Women's Soccer game. But instead they just stood there with the little pom-pom's looking very un-cheerleader like. Not sure what they really did down there. But they had fun. However, I chased Trevor all over the stadium. He finally fell asleep in the last 5 minutes of the game. USF lost the game to 2-0. No idea who they played, I was too busy chasing Trevor to even ask.

AND .... Last night the Tampa Bay Rays beat the Red Sox ........ And we are going to the World Series. Guess I'm going to have get Erin's Ray-Hawk trimmed up!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

ok. The hawk was a cool thing to do. How long does it take hair to grow back?