Sunday, October 26, 2008

i'm so over it.

How does a team win 2 games with shut-outs & tie one game and not move on the finals? How the heck does that happen to Rachael's team EVERY tournament?? Goal Differential is so overrated. I'm over it, I'm sick of winning and not being in the big game. I am so very mad, and I'm over 1 certain person on our team. I'm soooo over that person. I'll be careful what I say because that person may or may not read my blog and because my wonderful, beautiful, super terrific soccer player needs to interact with this person, unfortunately. But if this person is involved next year with my daughters team, she will not be involved with this team. That is how over this person I am. I'm a really bad soccer mom. And I know it. I'm too involved.

I went to Chili's for lunch, thinking I would be able to chill out over some chips and salsa and I didn't. It cheered Rachael up though. She played awesome, but if you ask this certain person, I'm guessing that person would say she didn't. And, No it's not her coach. He's still ok in my book. She played really good, even took one for the team in the box. All of her drama does pay off, she knows how to fall down and make it look good!!

I go back to work tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll still be mad. It takes me a long time to get over things. I need to do all my house stuff before tomorrow am. Not gonna happen.

I did have Rachael's parent/teacher conference on Friday. It was okay, boy those teachers are tough. Not sure I appreciated her lack of humor, apparantly she doesn't find Rachael as funny as the rest of the world does.

Trevor is doing that disappearing thing again. He does it so well these days .... I'll try to write more soon, when I can turn my attitude around.

1 Comment:

Beth said...

I'm so sorry. Been there, done that & it sucks!!! (all if it... dealing with a "the person who shall not be named" type & the goal differential screw over) Trust me, Rachael will be over it WAY before you will be. :) Jordan's team played against her old Brandon team today & the tension was unbelievable... more so on the sideline, I think than on the field, although it did get ugly on the field too... Jordan isn't the only player on her team who had left Brandon. At the end of the day, though you have to (try to) remember it's just a game. Even though it seems to control our lives sometimes (all the time). :) Have a margarita and think of the beach!