Saturday, October 4, 2008

For the love of the kids....I've been so busy. I got this idea that I could paint my entire house, inside out in like a day or so. WRONG! It's going to take weeks. My arms feels like it should be cut off at the shoulder. It hurts so bad. I'll post pictures when I'm done playing painter girl.

My friend Laurie tagged me yesterday. I've never been tagged, so I thought I would do it. I've put on my thinking cap. Here are 10 random facts about me.

1. I love country music and the Jonas brothers. I chose Country and my daughter chose me to love the Jonas Brothers. Basically because I have the bank account to buy tickets & Cd's

2. I have a love / hate relationship with soccer. I love my kids to play it, I love watching it. I love being on the Board of Directors. I hate losing my household and life to it. I hate when coaches show up at my door at 10 pm at night for guest rosters, I wish I could tell them "tough cookies", but the inner nice person in me comes out and I remember it is for the kids. That inner nice person is a real pain in the a$$.

3. I burn things all the time. I'm a decent cook, but I tend err on the side of caution that the food is done cooking, and because of that, things burn.

4. I hate the fact that my husband is Dr. Doolittle. I feel like I live in a farm some days.

5. I'm in the middle of the biggest diet of my life. It is working very slowly, but it is working.

6. I drive a minivan, this is my 3rd minivan. Each time the van gets a little bigger and wider. Currently I am driving a Nissan Quest. It is huge. My next car will be a crossover-something-or-there.

7. My kids call my BFF Michele, Aunt Michele & Uncle Joel. Her kids call us Aunt Joanne and Uncle Erin. We are both transplants to Florida. This is our family coping mechanism.

8. I clean too much, too often, and I am neurotic about it. It is to the point that I am closing in on drill Sergeant material.

9. I have a starbucks addiction. I can quit anytime. So back off. I like it, and that's that!

10. I'm scared that Rachael is a 5th grader & Kasey is a senior.

I tag Beth .... sorry :) Let's see what ya got!