Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year !!

I didn't mean to, but I took an unexpected break from the blog world. I have been on vacation from my 40 hour a week job, and needed some time to just do nothing and not feel pressured for a while. I remember being a SAHM, and remembering how much I enjoyed it. What I didn't remember was how darn hard it is with 3 small ones running around. Wow .... I'm like their own personal chef, housekeeper, entertainer, and referee all rolled into one!! I go back to work next Monday, and while I secretly dread it, a part of me is missing my routine, because right now my family is "no schedule" schedule. But I'm really NOT missing homework, lunches, fitting in laundry...all the fun stuff that comes with those schedules.

SO ... Happy New Year from all of us at our home !! I wish each of you a healthy & happy 2009! My New Year's eve was a quiet one, we usually stay home because it is just easier. We ordered some pizza and watched the ball drop. Erin shot off some fireworks with Rachael because she was the only one awake. Little Erin passed out about 10:15!!

Christmas was very memorable. I took very little pictures, because I was so busy making sure I had everything on video! I could kick myself. The biggest surprise of all was when my mother and stepfather from Massachusetts walked in my door. I had no idea they were coming, I thought they were skiing! Big Erin kept it a secret, I was shocked. But I hate not having my family around, so having them here was the best thing ever!! The kids loved it. But poor Nanny, she brought a sinus infection along with her and spent the Friday morning in the Urgent Care. We were able to have Nanny with us through Sunday. It was awesome and we enjoyed every minute of it.

The kids had a magical Christmas. Among the biggies they received were a Wii from Papa, Erin received Wii Rock Band from Nanny & Pappy, Rachael and Erin were surprised with electric scooters like these, except in red. They are so cute, they ride around the neighborhood together.

Kasey was surprised with an Ipod touch. Trevor played with his new kitchen and wooden train set and table all day! The list goes on and on, I can't remember everything. I do know that I just finished putting it all away today!

We said good-bye to Christmas today. I packed up all the decorations and daddy Erin took down the Christmas lights outside. I do think the 8 ft. snow globe is going to disappear this year. I have two sad, nearly dead poinsettas left. It is almost like Christmas never happened. Isn't it amazing all the work we put into the holiday and then it is just over.

Tonight I am working on my New Year Resolutions. I can't wait to share them. I think if I put them up for all to see, than I will be held accountable for tackling each of them. I'm going to make it realistic, as I know that my life isn't built around crazy deadlines and unattainable goals.

On my "to do list" is updating my blog background and header. Hopefully I can get that done next week. I do most of my blogging at work, so I'm sure it will be next week. I have come to realize that it is very difficult to blog at home with the kids. I guess my kids are too demanding.


Yellow Beads said...

I so need a Wii.

Anonymous said...

We loved surprising you at Christmas. I didn't want to spend even a minute wasting time at the Dr. office. Had to go to the Dr. again today for stronger meds. UGH. I was intrigued by Rachael's Animal Crossing. I am not sure what that says about me. We had a ball with all of you. We are so glad we were able to come.

Melodie said...

I'm glad you had a great Christmas with your family!
I understand what you mean about the schedule issues. My girls have been staying up all hours at night, so I had to put an end to it tonight. I told them they had to be in bed by 10:00 tonight, and 9:30 tomorrow night, so they can get to bed by 9:00 on Sunday night. Katie is the only one who's come close to staying on schedule.