Wednesday, January 21, 2009

inauguration conversations.

Rachael woke up yesterday sounding like a seal and wearing a little bit of a fever. No school for her yesterday or today.

I called her yesterday to turn on the Inauguration of the 44th President. After all, it is history and she is home from school. So I thought it would be interesting for her and she can say that she watched President Obama take the oath of office.

me: Rachael what are you doing?
R: watching Nick
me: Where is Daddy?
R: sleeping
(I knew he wouldn't watch the Inauguration)
me: Turn on the Inauguration and watch Barack Obama take the Oath of Office
R: Seriously?
me: Yes, it'll take 5 minutes out of your precious day.
R: We don't like Obama (We means that her Daddy got to her)
me: That doesn't matter, just watch it. It is history ....

5 minutes pass and I get a text .... Here is our text conversation.

R: This is boring and he messed up.
me: History honey, hang in there.
R: Can I watch Nickelodeon now. I watched him mess up. Can I be done.
me: Yes honey, you can be done. U watched history. love u and feel better.
R: ok. whatever. love u.

Rachael is just a mini-mouth piece for her Daddy .... Great, I can only imagine what she is talking about in Social Studies.

Erin came home from school today and I asked him if he watched the Inauguration. Here's how that went.

me: Did you watch the inauguration today?
Erin: What's that?
me: Did you watch TV in school today? Did you see Obama become President.
Erin: I don't know.
me: Did you see him put his hand an Abraham Lincoln's bible.
Erin: I said I don't know. But I did see some really big cannons shoot on the TV.

There you go. A 2nd graders take on the Inauguration. There were cannons there. That's what he saw.

Love that kid ....


Beth said...

That's really funny! :) I hope Rachael feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

But he didnt mess up!

hobey ho

Joanne said...

Oh Hobey Ho ... You are right! You and me both know if was Chief Justice Roberts who messed up Obama. But your friend Rachael has no patience for this kind of thing ... I'm happy to know that you understood history in the making.