Monday, January 19, 2009

Here I am.

I must be a really boring person. I haven't had a thing to blog about in a week!

Ofcourse, I have things to blog about, but not sure if you will find any of it remotely interesting. Feel free to hit the close button whenever you want to.

Trevor is going through the worst case of Terrible Two's that I have ever dealt with. The boy is difficult and really darn cute. The cute factor saves him a lot. He has become one with the timeout drill. He'll even put himself in there on occasion. So, I'm fairly certain timeout isn't working anymore for him. He has out-smarted me at 2 1/2 years old. I am in for a mountain of trouble with this kid. Next on my list is to google "two year olds for dummies or novices". After 3 kids I'm neither a novice nor a dummy ... but he is doing a really good job of making me look like one. Like I said, the cute factor helps him out alot.

Wii Rockband was a really great idea at Christmas time. The constant bombardment of of 70's - 80's old rock music is taking a toll on my mind. Rachael is the lead singer, most of the time. Perhaps that's the problem. I find myself playing the colored keys in my car on the way to work. Someone is killing the drums as I write, most likely Lil' Erin. Poor thing...

I win the bad Mom of the week award. Please someone send one to me!! I was replacing the shower rod in the 2nd bath and Rachael wanted to help. She climbed onto the toilet and was helping hook the shower hooks on the rod. She put to much weight on the rod and it collapsed, causing Rachael to tumble off the toilet, slamming her shin into the tub. Well, one Urgent Care trip, 2 sets of Xrays and 1 pair of crutches later, it isn't broken. THANK GOD!! It is bruised very badly. I felt so bad. So where is my award??

Today was a day off for me. I'm enjoying the extra day of freedom. Erin's sister and Niece came for a little visit yesterday. It was nice to see them, if even for a little while. We'll take what we can get. Sherry was going to pick out her new puppy. She is a brave woman. I'm not a puppy girl, probably because I have 4 kids and a husband that on some days are worse than puppy. But I'd love to hold the puppy and play with Trace (puppy's name) when she brings him home. Puppy's are so cute..especially hers. I want to post a picture of him, because he is some serious amount of cuteness ...

Tomorrow is the Big Inauguration, I'm sure I'll be watching in my office. I still have some mixed feelings about it. But this is history in the making .... I'm going to DVR it and when my husband isn't home I'm going to make the kids watch it. He isn't letting go of McCain at all. I told him today, it was time to get over it.

(Big E is singing Dead or Alive right now ...... it's bad .... really bad)

Gonna go outside and let the kids run off some of the energy. That was my nice way of getting them off Rock Band and to ward off the headache I know is developing. It is a beautiful day and I heard that it isn't going to last. Tomorrow is going to be excessively cold. brrrrr....


Yellow Beads said...

ugh, I feel for you. Tommy is 22 months and has been such a handful lately! He is great in the house, but once we get in public, AARRGH!

Melodie said...

Phil keeps telling me to get over it, too, but I'm having a hard time. I refused to watch any inauguration coverage today, and instead used the time to play catch-up with my DVR.