Tuesday, January 20, 2009

visits from the Grands.

Yippee, I love soccer season, because with soccer brings my parents, otherwise knows as the Grands...

They love to watch the kids play soccer and the kids love that they love to watch them play. They are accustom to us on the sideline, so to look up and see new, fun, excited faces is a real treat.

This year Lil' E is a scoring machine. His average goals per each game hover somewhere around 4. This year he has scored up near 8 in one game. He is classy scoring kid. There is no show-boating on his part. No jumping or pumping of his fists in the air. He simply does a turn around and gently leaps his way back to the center line. It resembles a leaping Gazelle. I love to watch him. He makes this momma all kinds of proud.

Papa, my daddy, is coming this weekend to watch the kids play a little soccer. Timing is perfect, they all play at different times and different days saving us from the having to do field juggling. And if anyone has missed it, the Superbowl is in town. So there are so many activities this weekend, I'm hoping we will have a few minutes to take some of them in.

Nanny (my mom), and Gramms (My Grandma) arrive the end of February for another fun-filled soccer weekend. Nanny is a frequent in these parts. Her arrival will bring much kid-fanfare.

Talk about kids over the moon ....... They are so excited ...

And I am to. Because my family is everything to me! And I can never see too much on them! EVER! I completely hate the fact that I'm not living in Massachusetts and I ask my husband every morning if we can move. He tells me the same thing everyday! But it doesn't stop me from asking. And one day I know he will tell me to start packing, I just know it.

Until then this is what I am dreaming of ....

1 Comment:

Yellow Beads said...

I love when my parents come to town too...usually 3 or 4 times a year. And I get so homesick when they leave.