Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the shopping truck.

Am I the only one who plans their trips to the grocery store around the times that I think I will be able to get the coveted "shopping truck"? I can't be ....

It's that darn truck. Yeah, you know the truck. The truck shopping cart, the cart that every kid HAS to drive. I am sure some guy at the top thought this would be a really great idea to get these "cool shopping trucks" to keep all the little kiddo's busy while Mommy's shop and I am sure it was done with good intentions. It had to be a guy who had this idea, because WHAT MOM would ever order just 3 of these carts for each store. Only a guy, who didn't think outside the box - a guy who didn't think that there would be 6 gazillion other kids who want this cart at the same time. And you know what kids don't get the carts, the ones screaming the entire time. I am sure that Mom really wished there were more shopping carts.

I try to plan my shopping times to when I think that there may be a cart available. First, I prep the Rachael and Erin on who is going to run and claim the cart. And we plan carefully, it involves a drive-by of the parking lot, we scope it out in case there is a rogue cart. We sometimes get lucky. If that is not the case, we drive slowly past the front entrance and look to see if we see one sitting in there. If we do, Rachael gets out and runs. No walking, she runs. She knows what happens if we don't get that cart. If we have a cart, there are no worries.

Do I really need to tell you what happens if I don't? Didn't think so.

Here are pictures of a happy Trevor driving his truck. It was a good shopping trip.

Sorry for the pic quality. They were taken with my phone.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so true. What were they thinking when they have just a few trucks or in my case fire engines? The kids love them.