Friday, July 18, 2008

no shots.

Today was Trevor's two year old "well baby" visit. It was better than expected. Trips to the doctor with Trevor are traumatic. To say he doesn't like going there is an understatement. We aren't even out of the car and he starts with the "bye bye". BUT today, we made it out of the car only to step foot onto the sidewalk and he said "me scared". I couldn't believe it. I felt so bad.

He wouldn't stand on the scale today without holding onto me, so I had to step back while he is screaming. We think we know how tall he is, but I am sure it is off a little bit since he wouldn't stand up for that either. And here is the shocker...there wasn't a single shot today. No more until he is 4. You'd think that would make everything a little better, but it didn't. He screamed the entire time we were in with the doctor. It wasn't quite the highlight of the day.

Trevor, aka Moose, is weighing in at a lofty 31 pounds and is a little over 3 feet tall. That would put him in the 90th percentile. For all you men who don't speak percentile .... That would put him in the heavy weight class.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

My little heavy weight guy. How different from his brother.