Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i love it.

I have made the switch to a 2 column blog. It was a huge decision, that probably shouldn't have been a huge decision. But, I went back and forth for a couple of weeks. I need simple, I need a lot of simple. In my life there is a lot of not simple. Keeping up three columns was getting increasingly difficult now that soccer season is ramping up, summer is on a downward spiral, and school is now 3 weeks away. And I love my blog, I love posting and I love reading other blogs. It is my time, that I can take after my beautiful children are down for peaceful slumber. And anyone who knows me know that I am a reality TV junkie, I love all things reality based. So I've gone a simpler route, and I love it. Clearly, blogging is here to stay in my world.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the new format. It still is quite busy. Lots of info going on at the same time.