Thursday, July 17, 2008

not quite his color.

Usually when Trevor is quiet, he is up to something. With 2 sisters and a brother in the house, someone always knows where he is because he is usually trying to get one of them to play. Not the case this time.

Picture this ...I'm standing at the dryer folding clothes (my other full time job), I realized that I hadn't heard Trevor in a few minutes nor have I heard someone telling Trevor to stop doing something. I gave a shout out asking for a "Trevor Locate Please" and the information I received wasn't good....

He had apparently pulled his stool up to the bathroom vanity in my room and was playing with my make-up bag. There was liquid foundation, chunks of my blush and lip gloss smeared everywhere. Quite a mess.

BUT, he was pretty happy with himself. I tried being upset with him, but he was so pleased with himself, it made me laugh. He is such a silly boy. You would laugh too. I can't get upset with that smile.

Replacing make-up used on Trevor's face .... $20
Bissell Carpet Cleaning solution .... $7
Mr. Clean Erase Sponges .... $5
Trevor's Beautiful, Smiling, Makeup Face .... PRICELESS


Anonymous said...

Hi mommy this is rachael where is that picture taken that is cute did he really do that WOW!!! he is so cute LOL see u soon

Anonymous said...

What a kid. It reminds me of the time you got into my lipstick and painted everything with it. The carpet, walls, bed, endtable, brother, etc. And did it 2 days in a row!!
He is so cute.
Lvoe MOM