Thursday, July 3, 2008

The China Trip that will never end ...

I didn't have a chance to update everyone last night, as it was very late when we got the final update. Right now, I am kind of upset about this whole thing, so I'm going to write without getting very angry.

The information is so confusing. They made it into Chicago very late last night. Obviously they missed the flight into Tampa, not that it mattered as Kasey didn't have a ticket to Tampa.

I just spoke with Nanny and they are booked on a 5 pm flight out of Chicago, but they are heading to the airport as we speak to get on the Stand-by list for the 9:30am flight.

I hope that they make it home. Today is Trevor's birthday and we would really like them home to celebrate!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I needed to take the whole Chicago situation into my own hands. We had to get home to Trevor's party. It worked!