Tuesday, February 17, 2009

where did these parents come from ....

I spent the weekend at the soccer field working our annual Recreational Tournament. It all went fairly well, we had about 90 teams, and a ton of games over 3 days. I was exhausted, but with yesterday off of work for the holiday, I was able to recuperate a little bit!

Now....I've been to many, many tournaments, but the parents who attended the tournament this weekend were horrific. They need a little soccer education. They need a rule book and they need some lessons in soccer etiquette. They also need to learn it is NOT okay to call a 12 year old Referee names or intimidate them. That is not okay!!

While I was watching one of the U12 finals, a father decided to try and intimidate a 12 year old female referee. He now knows that was the wrong thing to do while I'm standing there. I very politely told him to stop or I would have to remove him from the field. He continued and became just nasty..... I was in true, tired, exhausted form and told him he was going to leave now. He then decided to call me a stupid Bi**h! ........... Here is where you all will be very proud of me ............ I looked at him and told him he was wrong about the stupid part, but this bi**h was walking him to the fence now!! Daddy boy was so mature that he took baby steps to the parking lot, calling me names the entire way. What a stellar father!! Way to make your 11 year old daughter proud !! He should be ashamed of himself, but I don't think he is .... I'm sure he thinks he is pretty damn cool !

That wasn't the only parent tossed this weekend. Another Mom was tossed for telling her daughter to "take out" another girl! Wow Mom ... it is scary to think that you are okay with violence and that as a Mom, you actually promote it. Now don't get me wrong, soccer is a contact sport. If you are afraid of contact, you should enroll your child in ballet. But there is a difference between a shoulder and a complete "take out" .... no child should ever be told to injure another.

I'm thinking that all parents who attend Recreational Soccer Tournament need a little soccer education. It may or may not save them a little embarrassment !!


Beth said...

I was talking to Jan yesterday & she was telling me some horror stories about the parents there this weekend. UNbelievable!

Joanne said...

Oh yes ... Rich also tossed Grandma who got all up in his face .. the same game I tossed the Dad. And Poor Danny B., he was one of the Ref's...

Anonymous said...

Totally unbelieveable. I am sorry that you had to put up with grown adult parents that don't know right from wrong....YET??? Guess they never will. Pathetic. I am glad that I wasn't there to witness a grown man calling MY little girl stupid bi**h. He would have had a hard time with this mama bear!!!