Tuesday, December 2, 2008

completely bummed.

Tonight was going to be such a fun night ....

But then Rach came down with a stomach bug last night and all that has changed. Rachael's soccer team are the ball girls tonight for the big High School Rivalry and I was so excited to see some of the girls on the team play. I haven't seen many of them play in so very long, it was going to be so much fun. Can you tell I want a pity party ???

But poor Rachael, she was so sick. She is feeling better now. Now she is just needy, you know what I mean?? And what a gross mess we had on our hands last night. I mean, it was everywhere. Nothing like steam cleaning carpets at midnight and loading up the washing machine. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the virus doesn't jump bodies and make all the kids in the house sick. That would be just superb.

So in prep for tonight's game... I want to give a shout out to Bdale High !! Go Bulls !! Go Jordan, Go Brittainy, Go Kara and Go Megan !!! And to Beth thanks for the steal below and I expect Twitters at every goal !!

And this weekend is the start of Lil' E's soccer season. He is so excited!! I love watching him play, he has so much energy and love for the game. Actually we have 3 games on Saturday, everyone plays! Busy day!!

1 Comment:

Beth said...

I'm so sorry that you missed the game, we are rewatching in the DVD, it was pretty much a crapfest, but the GOOD GUYS WON 2-1!!! At least you got to stay out of the cold. :) I'm glad Rachael is feeling better & I will pray the other kids don't come down with it.