Friday, May 23, 2008

Violin Concert

Rachael had her end of the school year Advanced Strings, Violin Concert this week. I was impressed at how far this young group of musicians has come. Just last year I remember alot of squeaky bows. This year it sounded beautiful!!

That was the last of the end of year school activities for Rachael and Erin. It started a month ago with Field Day, Earth Day, Erin's Lowry Park Field trip & Rachael's field trips to Cracker Country & the Shriners Hospital. It is hard to believe that it's over, it went by, at times, so fast and sometimes much too slow. Next year Rachael will be the big kahuna, the graduating class, and walk around the school for a year and be referred to by the little ones as "she's a 5th grader".

Kasey's last concert is this weekend. Kasey's school year ends on June 2nd, she has managed to exempt most of her final exams. She told Erin and I earlier this week that the seniors have graduated, that she is now a High School Senior!
Time flies .......

Here are some pictures of Rachael with her violin and her entire orchestra.

Rachael is right in the top row middle, right in front of the Brave !! Too Cute!!