Sunday, May 18, 2008

Breakfast Guilt !

Weekday mornings are a wee bit crazy. Now with Rachael being a "5th grade patrol trainee" she needs to be at school by 7:20am. We need to drop off Kasey first at the high school, pick up a friends daughter on the way, and head up to Rachael and Erin's school to drop her off, next stop is Trevor's daycare and back to the elementary school to drop Erin off because he can't go with Rachael due to the fact he can't be there until 7:33am.

I spend a lot of time pushing the kids toward the door every morning. This includes breakfast. Breakfast needs to be quick and easy and it can't be too hot because that requires cool down time and we don't have that kind of time. It is safe to say that waffles, bagels, french toast sticks are usually on the menu. Something that cools down quickly when butter or cream cheese is applied.

This causes me a little mommy guilt. I feel bad because I don't have time to cook all the good things they really want, so on the weekends I try to make up for it by making something they really enjoy!

This weekend was Mommy's Famous Chocolate Chip Pancakes. There is absolutely nothing famous about them besides the kids think I'm the bestest Mommy because they got a little chocolate for breakfast. And since they complain very little about their less than stellar weekday routine, they should have a little fun ...... and there are some left over for breakfast tomorrow.

By the way... there is only 12 days left until school is out for the summer. I am so excited .... oh, the kids are too :)