Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Should Have Known ....

We have been trying to get Little Erin how to ride his two-wheeler bike for nearly a year. Erin isn't really a trial and error kid. And we all know riding a bike requires a little error. And there lies the problem, error involved falling off and that was just enough to make little Erin stand there and firmly tell us "NO"!

We started off with this little, tiny bike, actually it was his first bike ever, we bought it for him when he was 2. It was about 3 sizes too small for him and his knees didn't hit the handlebars, they went OVER the handle bars. But it gave him the confidence to ride a two wheeler, knowing that there 0% chance he could fall off that bike!

I began asking him to ride his bigger bike, which actually is more of the correct size for him, a couple weeks ago. Again, a firm "NO". Remember that trial and error issue, it kicked back in. I asked and asked and there was no way he was giving up the tiny bike. I tend to get frustrated when I know the kids can do something and they don't want to, so I just gave up. This was a battle that I was clearly not going to win, so why keep fighting.

Last night Erin was outside playing with the kids and Roo (Little Erin) ran inside yelling, "Mommy, I'm riding my big bike!". I couldn't believe it, he was riding up and down the street like a pro! Up the driveways, up the sidewalks, and around the cars. Finally, after a year of us pushing him to ride a bike and a year of him pushing us back with the firm "NO" he was riding. Yeah, one small victory.

I asked Erin how he finally got Roo on the big bike. His reply, "I told him I would give him a dollar".

A dollar! That is all it took to get him to ride that bike... Nearly a year ago, we should have offered him a dollar...

I should have known .....

I figured out the video thing ... Here is video proof that he is riding like a pro....

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Erin. It has been a long time coming.!!!
Nice video Mom.