Friday, May 16, 2008

Boys Night Out at the Trop ....

The deal was if Rachael had a girls night out (click here for Jonas Brother post), then little Erin would also get a boys night with Dad. They decided on a little dinner and a Ray's game. If you are a MLB fan, then you know that the Ray's don't draw a huge crowd and there is never a need to get your tickets early. There were no worries that there would plenty of tickets to go around.

They met JD for wings before the game and headed over to the Trop (Tropicana Field). Where else in the country can you see a Major League Baseball game for $25 and sit right above the 3rd baseline?? Amazing!! Look at the picture below, there isn't anyone there!

I'm a very loyal Yankees fan, have always been. It has been instilled in my children that they are loyal Yankees fans and that the Rays are a local convenience. With that being said, the Rays hat the Erin is wearing was bought just for this game. No worries, Papa, he is still wearing his Yankees hat. It is looking kinda worn lately, so he may need a replacement soon :)

Please no comments about the Yankees and their trials and tribulations this year. I'm well aware, and reminders are not necessary. I'm not a fair-weather fan ........ For the record, I think spring training at Steinbrenner Stadium (aka Legends Field) bring out more fans than a regular season Ray's game!

He loved the game! Can you tell?

The Trop....with lots of empty seats...where are the people??

Erin and JD ... Glove in hand (HOW CUTE IS THAT?)