Most of you know, that our family is very soccer oriented. It never really was meant to be this way, it just developed. It started out as an innocent game that Kasey wanted to try back in 1999, and 9 years later it has taken over our life. Most weekends are based around soccer games for Kasey, Rachael and Erin and what times Kasey needs to Referee. I'm not sure if I would call it an obsession, addiction or madness. Maybe all three.
Spring soccer is focused on fun, fun, and more fun. There is little or no competition and the focus is to have the kids go out there and kick around a little, a way to keep them busy. I really enjoy spring soccer, even with all my competitive tendencies, it is nice to sit in my chair and soak up some rays and ,of course, chase Trevor off the fields.
Here are a few pics of Erin playing Spring Soccer. He is enjoying himself a lot. It is getting hot out there, so the kids aren't moving as fast as they did in the Winter League.
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