Thursday, April 24, 2008

Earth Day Concert

Today was the big day! The 1st grade sang to "Recycle, Recycle, Recycle today!". And I hear it was too cute! Rachael's class presented the Butterfly Garden that they have been working so hard on. And again, I hear it looks great!

Erin took the video camera and the digital camera. I am sure I have lots of pictures to post. Our camera's USB cord is among the missing, so I need to find it asap! Or off to Best Buy we go!

Erin did such a good Daddy deed today. It was also the school book fair and both Rachael and Erin were told that Thursday was the day that I would take them. But that promise was before Trevor came down with the latest sickness. So they scammed Daddy big time! They walked away with some loot, but it was books ..... so that's okay!!

I missed the concert this morning because Trevor is still sick. He is on the antibiotics for the ear infections, but he now has Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Which isn't really a disease, it is a very nasty virus that causes a fever, sores in his little mouth and throat. He is a very pitiful little boy right now .....

Pictures to come very, very soon !! PROMISE .....


Nanny said...

Rachael must hav ebeen in her glory on Earht Day. Did she wear her "Hug a Tree" t-shirt?
Poor little guy, Trevor. Hope he feels better soon! Nanny loves you little guy.

Nanny said...

My spelling was really bad but it was really late!!