Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day ! Are you a Little Green?

I'll admit it, a few years ago if you mentioned Earth Day to me, I wouldn't have given it second thought. But, with all the chitter chatter this year about carbon footprints and global warming, it makes you stop and think. And if you haven't heard the word "Green" at least once a day this past year than you certainly AREN'T living on Planet Earth.

Most of the reason that our family is become aware of Earth day is Rachael. Rachael is our little "Green Girl". When I call her this, she snickers and rolls her eyes with embarassment. She knows a lot about the Earth, and how she thinks we can help save it. She started a recycling program in our home. And she gets a little "erked" if she catches a plastic bottle in the trash and not in the recycle container. She will hunt down the guilty party and remind them, in a not so gently way, where the recycling container can be found. Her not so gentle reminders usually involve a pointed finger in the general direction of the garage, a foot stomp, and eyeroll and something like "get with the program"!!

I am quite proud of her. She has really become quite a force to be reckoned with. And while I do believe that some of the people who have gone "green" are really just doing it because it seems to be the "in" thing to do, I know Rachael has the right intentions. She believes in her cause and she lives by it. I do think that she gained alot of her knowledge through her school teacher, Mrs. Sawyer. Mrs. Sawyer is an "outdoors" person, as Rachael calls it. But she has given Rachael a new passion. And this is a passion that I do not see fading into the sunset. It seems to get stronger everyday. How can you not respect that????

So what is your gift to Planet Earth this year? If you need some ideas, you can ask Rachael. She has plenty of them.

Happy Earth Day!!

Next Thursday, April 24th, Rachael and Erin have an "Earth Day Concert" at school. Erin is singing about recycling and Rachael is presenting the new "Butterfly Garden". I'll have lots of pictures later this week.