Monday, April 21, 2008

Poor Baby

Trevor has double ear infections .... Poor Baby. He is really quite pathetic when he is sick. He is such a bubbly little guy, that when he isn't feeling well your heart just breaks.

I got the call about 4:30pm, while I was on my way home. Yup, I knew it was coming sooner or later. He has had a runny, nasty nose and small cough for about a week. And being a 4th child, you sit tight and let it runs its course. I'd say 60% of the time, it'll run its course and we'll good to go. But then there is that other 40%. Logistically speaking, this was going to be a tough one. Rachael had soccer practice, Erin wanted to go home to play and Trevor need to go to Pediatric After Hours asap. I got everyone where they needed to go and I jetted off to the Pediatric After Hours in hopes that there was no wait and I could get Rachael and her Friend, Hannah from practice at 7:30. These things only come up when it is my turn in the car pool!

Surprise !! The planets must have been in alignment. Virtually no wait. YIPPEE !

Trevor has a huge issue with Doctor offices. From the moment we walk in he starts crying and says "bye bye" through the tears. He even does his sign language for "all done" while crying. It is really sad. But all the Doctors and nurses think he is so darn cute because of his sign language!!

Now he is resting comfortably with ear drops to numb his little inner ear and 10 days of antibiotics. I'm sure there will be another post and maybe a picture or two of Erin and I covered in antibiotics......