Before I start .... I love my Trevor. He looks like me, he is the only one does. He is so very darn cute. Let me say that one more time. I. LOVE. MY. TREVOR.
Super Awesome picture taken by Beth ....
Before I start .... I love my Trevor. He looks like me, he is the only one does. He is so very darn cute. Let me say that one more time. I. LOVE. MY. TREVOR.
I certainly had a very busy week. I got through it, not sure how, but I'm here and it's Friday! A little tired, a little stressed, I little frustrated. But the weekend is here, and I WILL find a way to not do anything work or President related.
Tonight is my Relay for Life ! Yahoo! I have signed on to walk my bootie off to fight cancer. My walk is dedicated to my Papa, who lost his life to Lung Cancer a little over 3 years ago. I am excited about doing this for him, and me and any of you who are survivors or who have lost a loved to cancer. Think about me tonight ...
Labels: Erin, Rachael, Randomness, soccer crackpipe, Trevor
I'm going to apologize in advance for my lack of posting this week. This is a busy one folks. I have a meeting tonight to diffuse some potential issues that may be rising. Erin has All Star practice for next weekends big game tonight and Wednesday night. I have a board meeting on Wednesday night. And this new exercise thing I'm doing, yup gotta fit that in to. Thank goodness Erin will be home this week & thank goodness for the new schedule. I hate being away from home so much during the week. I miss everyone so much .....
Labels: Erin, soccer, soccer crackpipe, Trevor
I've been a little MIA for a week. Not really sure why. My other job as Madame President Elect has been a little overwelming, taking up a little too much time. I need to organize my life so that I can have a life. How I'm going to do that remains to be determined.
Last weekend Rachael's team played in the Quarterfinals of the Region C Cup. They played so darn was amazing!! However, in our teams true form, we didn't score. Not shocking, we never score. But we win alot. Because we never let a goal in. Many of our games have been won by direct kicks related to a foul of some sort. But, true soccer peeps would know, you cannot win every game on direct kicks. No, you can't. So the game finished in a 0-0 and went directly to post game penalty kicks where we lost 3 - 2. And there is where our soccer season came to a complete stop! Yup ... done. Rachael doesn't cry a lot over soccer, because she is an athlete and losing is part of the routine, but she cried....she didn't want it to be over. Don't tell her ... but I think I cried a little too :( She does have some tournament to play still and they are practicing, but the heart of the season has passed.
Trevor has taken a new interest in the potty. It is a small interest, but I'll take what I can get. I'll share a little secret with all of you. I have NEVER potty trained any of my children. And I'm afraid I may have to potty train this one!! My mom did the potty thing with Rachael while I was in the hospital delivering Erin. Two was done. My daycare potty trained Erin. One week was done. I'm scared! And by the way he still has his pacifier, which absolutely disturbs me. But there isn't a lot of fight left in my lately, and I really think he won't take it to college. I hope not .....
Little Erin is an All-Star!! Yup, my boy made the U8 All Star soccer team. I raise em' good !! He is a very good soccer player. I really attribute that to the fact he was given a soccer rattle in the hospital nursery. Or that he attended his first soccer game when he was a week old. Tonight he trains with the club trainers and next week he plays in the big game. He was so excited when Big Erin told him, he was jumping up and screaming !! Love him to pieces ....
Erin's new schedule is working out just fine. I think we are both adjusting. I think he is realizing how the kids are a little out of control since he is now home in the evenings. With his new schedule he is able to pick the kids up at school and they do not have to attend aftercare, they love it!! And Fridays are Daddy Friday ... he spends the day with Trevor! As I speak they are watching Blue's Clues. That's one lucky Daddy!!
And because I hate posting without pictures....Taken by Beth ....
Labels: Erin, Family, one crazy life, Rachael, Trevor
Yes I do, today is my birthday and I dont' want to be the age that I am.
Rachael is all smiles ... whenever she is at the soccer field
Me and my not-so-little girl!
Kasey and Grams ....
Rachael and my other girls ... Courtney and Alexandra
This is the picture that I love! Trevor is 2 1/2 and he can operate an Ipod touch. Now I don't mean he can just push buttons. He knows how to turn it on, how to slide the bar to unlock it. And he knows how to play "whack em' all"!! And he knows you only hit the moles, because if you hit the Kitty's they cry!! Check the cuteness out ......
How cute in my Grams ... Check her out with the Secret Service Hat on !! She is soo fashion forward!! The sun was in here eyes .... and Erin's hat came in handy. Here is an interesting fact on Grams ... she watches What not to Wear with Stacy and Clinton!! That is some funny stuff..
This week the new schedule thing was going really well until the Bachelor, Jason, had to pull his little ....oh I still love Molly crap .... I stayed up way too late watching him try to find a way out of his little ooppss. Not sure why I did, it was like watching a train wreck, I just couldn't turn away. And then last night they has part 2 on. And you just watch part 1 without watching part 2, right??? And I am so excited to see the Jillian ... the next Bachelorette !!
I'm still playing catch-up with my DVR. I did notice that someone has been doing a little erasing to accommodate someones shows...I put a stern warning to the household. Erase "the suite life", erase, "Raw and Smackdown", I really don't care, but the first one to erase Mommy shows is going to be held accountable ... I will hide every single remote control !!
ETA: Sorry for the funkiness with the white around the pictures. I took them off of my mom's online photo account ....
Labels: Family, Love the DVR, soccer