Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Boys Get Summer Cuts!

It's been a couple days since I have been able to post. My time gets away from me sometimes. We are busy getting ready for Kasey to go to China. It is now 5 days and counting until the plane wheels are up and she is on her way. There isn't a whole lot other than that going on. And the list of things to do for Kasey is getting smaller. We want everything to be ready to go, because this is a one shot deal. It will be a very long time before she is able to get this opportunity again.

Big Erin has had a lot of time off this week. He spent alot of time with the kids, saving Rachael and Erin from daycare. They do love our daycare, but Rachael doesn't like to get up in the morning. She has developed a love of sleep, usually not getting up until after 9:30am. We are in the midst of a vicious circle, she stays up late watching Nick at Night or her latest favorite show is Jon & Kate plus 8, and then she sleeps in causing her not to be tired the next night and sleeping in the next morning ... see the vicious circle?? Sometimes I think I am too lenient when it comes to summer bedtimes, but is is summer, so shouldn't I be a little lenient?

Another rite of summer is the Summer Cuts! Yup, Erin likes the boys to have their "summer cuts". They are cool and easy to manage. For those of you who don't know, Erin Jr's hair grows like a Chia Pet (he has 2 cowlicks in front & 2 in back) and Trevor has wavy hair, so when it grows he looks like a crazy man! Here are the pics of the boys with the new do's:

{Still missing that front tooth}

{Check out the wavy locks}