Tuesday, January 27, 2009

what did I do?

Everyone knows about my soccer mom status. Well, I'm taking it to a whole new level.

I haven't blogged about because my fear of failure is so very high right now. But I have decided to run for President of our soccer club. Yup, Madame President .. Not sure what the heck I was thinking. I'm really not running, as the position is so highly sought after that I am the ONLY one running for the position. So basically it's just an election process that needs to be done.

I have support on the board, which I am grateful for. But I question my ability to do this. Big E is concerned about the time factor, he knows how much I am already over-extended.

I am very dedicated to my club. All of my kids play there, except for Trevor, but he will play there soon enough. I believe my club has the best interest of the children and I want that to continue.

Enough of the serious stuff. I want to have some fun with my new position. Here are some suggestions that I think will be a move in the right direction.

(Ofcourse, I'm kidding ... don't go freaking out on me and telling everyone I've lost my ever-livin' mind)

The current golf carts are looking a little banged up..I think it will need to a little body work. This color is nice and if A/C could be installed, I would be incredibly appreciative. If you added a built in coolie for my Diet Coke ... well, I'd be a very happy President.

The chairs in our clubhouse are very uncomfortable. Since I have to sit in front of everyone and actually run the meetings, I'd like to do it in style and comfort. This hot little number would make my back very happy!

The official notebook. In reality I would like to see a pink soccer ball on the cover ....

Ofcourse I'll only use pink pens adorned with pink crystals.

Since all the men on the board love the greasy pizza, I think I'll be able to stomach it a little better if we were all to be dining on a set of these lovely plates.

Doesn't this make the position sound so pretty ??


Beth said...

I'll make sure Mr. Treasurer gets those items written into the budget a.s.a.p. :)

Joanne said...

Since you haven an "in" with him. Ask him if we can make the crystal adorned pens into diamond adorned pens :)
Good. Thanks !!

Yellow Beads said...

you're too funny! :))

Melodie said...

That chair just screams Madame President (or Queen Bee, take your pick)!

Anonymous said...

OMG. I think you need a big Congrats and some medication. I know you will do a great job...in your spare time???? I guess you can't spend any more time at the field than you do now so why not??? Good Luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Lets start calling Rachael Maxine.